Company registration in Oceania

Country of incorporation Registration fee
1900 USD
Marshall Island
1350 USD
New Zealand
8900 EUR
900 USD
3800 USD
900 USD
1890 USD


Letters of recommendations

Oceania is a region that encompasses the island nations of the South and Central Pacific. New Zealand, New Guinea, Vanuatu, the Marshall Islands, Fiji, Samoa, and French Polynesia are among these states. These countries have developed not only the tourism sector but also the service sector and the industry in some large countries of the region. Given this, registration of a company in Oceania is a potentially lucrative option.

Advantages of registering a business in Oceania

If you are thinking about setting up a business in Oceania, the option could be potentially advantageous due to the number of benefits that are available in this area:

  • simplicity and clarity of registration rules;
  • openness to foreign capital;
  • no requirements to the obligatory attraction of residents;
  • favorable rates of taxation;
  • absence of currency control.

There may be additional benefits to doing business in Oceania in some industries. Provide Aotopay lawyers with other information to learn more about starting a business in Oceania.

Ways of doing business in Oceania

Business registration in Oceania can be done in the following forms, which are common to almost all jurisdictions in the region:

  • A limited liability company is a type of legal entity in which the participants have limited financial and legal responsibility for the results of the business. Even one person can form a legal entity. The maximum number of participants is limited. As a rule, up to 50 participants are allowed. This type of enterprise is the easiest and most flexible to form and maintain.
  • A joint-stock company is a business designed to raise external capital and place shares on stock markets. The number of participants in a JSC is unlimited, and their financial and legal liability is limited solely to the number of contributions. More complicated registration and accounting rules apply to JSCs.
  • A branch is the easiest option for a foreign entity, which, at minimal cost, gets to conduct the same activities in the territory of the jurisdiction in Oceania as in the region of the jurisdiction of prior registration.

The process of registering a company in Oceania

Company registration procedures in Oceania vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction but generally cover the following basic steps:

  1. Selection and reservation of the name for the future company in Oceania.
  2. Collection of data on the founders and beneficiaries of the future company.
  3. Search and registration of the registered address for the future legal entity in Oceania.
  4. Registration, articles of incorporation, as well as documents on the employment of the company's management.
  5. Sending the registration package for consideration.
  6. Registration with the tax authorities, as well as for mandatory social payments.
  7. Opening a bank account for a legal entity in Oceania.
  8. Registration of additional licenses and permits, which may be necessary to conduct certain regulated types of activities.

Regulatory environment in Oceania

Setting up a business in Oceania is easy enough. Bureaucratic formalities unencumber registration procedures, and local governments implement measures to attract foreign capital. Many jurisdictions in the region have government agencies that provide consulting and other support to businesses, including foreign companies.

How Aotopay specialists can be helpful

If you set yourself a business task "Oceania to open a business," Aotopay specialists are ready to contribute to its implementation, including through the following legal services:

  • conduct a legal audit of the business case and select the most appropriate jurisdiction in Oceania;
  • collect all the necessary information to register a company in Oceania;
  • to formalize the business registration process in Oceania, including the participants' decision to create a legal entity, constituent, and registration documents;
  • arrange legal relations with the director and other employees of the legal entity in Oceania;
  • help with the correct calculation and payment of all taxes and mandatory social contributions;
  • support the process of obtaining additional permits and licenses for certain regulated activities;
  • open bank and EMI accounts for newly established businesses;
  • assist with all related issues that may arise on the agenda.

Send introductions for comprehensive support in all phases of registering and doing business in Oceania.

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