Investment Licenses

The global economy develops due to complex financing of branches and separate types of activities. For this purpose the special companies – investment companies are established. They accumulate financial assets by emitting securities, and
direct them to shares and bonds of the promising national and foreign organizations. An investment company registration  according to the statutory procedure gives the right for a legal realization of such types of activities:

  • dealer activity – a purchase and/or a sale of securities (it is carried out at own expense) on its own behalf providing a condition of obligations to conclude a deal under the declared prices;
  • management of the allowed securities – the process is carried out directly on behalf of the company for a fee;
  • broker activity – a purchase/sale of securities under the agreement with the customer.

Besides, the companies run a depository professional activity, keep registers of  the registered securities owners and so on.


Classification of companies is kept depending on the company creation purpose. The investment company registration can assume a creation of company for:

  • accumulation of funds available at potential customers and their investment in already acting diverse productions to receive a profit;
  • distribution of available financial assets in order to diversify risks – it is necessary to be well informed on the actual, objective information on a current financial position of the companies, to make development forecasts and so on.

The companies which pursue the aim to concentrate capitals and invest them in projects realization can be established in the form of foundations (with the further transformation into joint-stock companies).


To start the operation the investment company should pass the procedure approved by the legislation. It consists of two stages. It is a preparation and a registration of the investment company (a selection of the director general, the
controller, experts with necessary certificates and so on), and also the procedure of licensing according to priority types of activity (dealer, broker).


Due to economic instability within the country people more and more often consider external investments as a method of capital funds augmentation, an instrument for effective activity carrying out and a well-being increase. Investments in
the countries with the developed economy, transparent legislation and political stability are repaid fast and produce a profit. At the same time there are some restrictions.

The investment license is necessary for such activity realization. Conditions of its reception are defined by a number of factors. Employees of «Aotopay» consider an impact of each of them and provide a  complex support, being
guided by features and requirements of customers. Licenses give the right for:

  • an operation as a financial consultant;
  • receiving of  commissions on securities operations;
  • accumulation of profit resulted from a management of other persons assets and so on.

Our experts help to receive investment licenses, accompany all process, release you from a necessity of spending time for organizational moments. «Aotopay» is an authoritative participant of consulting and legal services market. We
perform our job in the professional way, within the shortest possible time, with high productivity and, that is especially important, without intermediaries involvement. You will not be forced to divert your attention away from the
profile activity.

We guarantee:

  • an individual approach with complete involvement in a customer’s situation;
  • an operative reaction to inquiries;
  • competent consultations;
  • a comprehensive support;
  • a competitive cost of services.

Among license products, which «Aotopay» offers to the customers there are the following:

  • license for activity on investment funds management – formalization of the permissions giving a possibility to the company to create, accompany and supervise an activity of share institutes without a violation of national and
    international norms;
  • license for realization of investment activity in Europe – an individual selection of the solution and jurisdiction, a support in permissions reception;
  • payment Institution license — a substantiation of the demand for PI-address, interaction with RIPE and other supervising authorities, a reception of statuses and blocks;
  • a reception of FKTK permissions – the investment license, a submitting of data on a customer company, documentary confirmations on counteraction to money laundering and maintenance of customer’s financial assets safety in the commission
    and so on.

With «Aotopay» services you significantly simplify PI reception for yourselves, investment and other license permissions. With us you can start the effective activity at an international scene without any loss of time and efforts.

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