Registration of a company at Mauritius (GBC-2)

Name of service Silver Gold Platinum Brilliant
Company incorporation Preparation of a full package of documents depending on the chosen form of ownership, communication with authorities on all matters during the registration
Legal address for 1 year We provide a legal address for your company in this jurisdiction, eliminating the need to purchase or rent a property. The cost is indicated for 1 year of use.
Shares ownership certificate Certificate that confirms the ownership of the company's shares, indicating their type and serial numbers
Registered Agent Person or legal entity indicated in the registration certificate a through which founders have communication with the authorities of the jurisdiction
Seal of the company Registration of the company's seal in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction
Apostille service Documents apostille service and consultation on the types of documents, that require apostille
Nominee director for 1 year In order to keep private information of the real owner of the company confidential it is useful to order a nominee director service. Nominee director has limited powers, so the owner of the company will have a full control over an incorporated enterprise
Nominee shareholder for 1 year If there is no possibility or need to attract real shareholders, we will provide the services of a nominal shareholder for the registration and business activities of the relevant company
The Power of Attorney for one person Making of the power of attorney with different powers and terms, as well as a consultation from the side of the Aotopay legal advisors
Corporate bank account Preparation of necessary package of documents and opening of a corporate account of the company
Personal bank account Preparation of the necessary package of documents and opening of a personal account in the bank from the recommended list or your choice
Total cost
3300 USD 4100 USD 4100 USD 4100 USD
Annual renewal (paid from the second year)
3000 USD 3400 USD 3400 USD 3400 USD

Deal of the month

If you will register a company until 31 January,
opening a bank account is for FREE

6 easy steps to get started
  • 1

    Select your
    preferred jurisdiction

  • 2

    Choose a bank
    that meets your
    company's needs

  • 3

    Pay for our services
    using a convenient
    payment method

  • 4

    Receive all necessary
    corporate documents

  • 5

    Receive details
    for your newly opened
    bank account

  • 6

    We'll deliver the original
    documents directly
    to you

Mauritius is an African island jurisdiction that has amazing landscapes and a well-known developed tourism sector. At the same time, the state has pretty advantageous conditions for handling service, trading, and financial business, for instance. IT is also growing rapidly. Therefore, company formation in Port Louise, for instance, can introduce this potential of the jurisdiction.

Why Company Formation in Mauritius Is a Potentially Winning Business Solution

If you wish to register a company in Mauritius, this plan may instantly open further advantages:

  • calm and convenient location;
  • loyal approach to investments from abroad;
  • stable political environment;
  • diversified liberalized economy;
  • existence of free-trade zones;
  • absence of currency control restrictions;
  • extensive and growing list of double-tax treaties.

Legal and Organizational Forms in Mauritius

It is allowed to register a company in Mauritius or set up your presence in an alternative way by utilizing one of these forms:

  • Limited liability company – this is the most flexible and popular corporate business structure. It is enough to have at least 1 member of any nationality to form this corporate entity. The financial and legal responsibility of each member will never be over the amount of the investment contributed. 1 resident director is also needed for this type of company. There are no compulsory statutory demands concerning its starting share capital.
  • Global business company – a form that opens the opportunity of handling cross-border business and making effective tax planning. The obligations of shareholders are restricted in this case as well. If a company meets all the compulsory substance requirements, 80% of its income is exempted from taxes. Among these substance demands are: (1) at least 2 resident directors, (2) a bank account in Mauritius, (3) at least 1 resident employee, (4) keeping proper accounting records and filling respective financial statements in Mauritius.
  • Limited liability partnership – even 2 partners are enough to form this business. Both can be foreigners. There should be at least one general partner who bears the entire liability over the debts and losses that a partnership can potentially bear. Still, this general partner also governs the entire partnership while limited partners are not. But, limited partners bear 100% limited financial and legal liability that never exceeds the amount of their investments. The partnership also should obtain a global business license (GB license). Otherwise, each partner will be obliged to pay income tax in Mauritius.

It is also allowed to establish a fund, trust, protected cell company (for asset holding), free zone company, branch, or local office in Mauritius. Contact Aotopay attorneys to get extra details about each.

How to Incorporate a Company in Mauritius

The typical process of company incorporation in Mauritius envisages these must-have stages:

  1. Defining the scope of business activities that a future corporate entity is going to conduct.
  2. Elaborating on and reserving a unique commercial name for an upcoming enterprise.
  3. Searching for and formalizing an official legal address for a new entity.
  4. Requesting and formalizing appropriately all the must-have information and documents about the shareholders, including a mother company (if any) beneficiaries, and managers of a company.
  5. Composing, executing, and formalizing appropriately the memorandum and articles of association, resolution of founders, and other required documents to establish a new company in Mauritius.
  6. Forwarding a comprehensive set of documents, along with a bank statement on the payment of an incorporation fee, to the Registrar of Companies (the Corporate and Business Registration Department) for review. Adding a new entry in the Register of Companies and providing the Certificate of Incorporation in the case of a positive response.
  7. Formalizing a new company for the purpose of paying compulsory tax and social security payments.
  8. Opening corporate bank accounts.
  9. Applying for and obtaining a special business license or permit for a newly-incorporated company.

Legal and Regulatory Framework

The local legal system is a winning combination of English and French law. This system is tightened to the most common expectations of businessmen, including foreign ones, to actually keep and attract investments in the country. This is shown through the simplified incorporation process, in particular, which can be completed in a week or two, even remotely. And this process is not bureaucratized.

The local legislation is also upgraded regularly to guarantee compliance with world-recognized standards and practices. The local law contains no limitations on the repatriation of capital and profits. Still, specific types of regulated business activities will require getting a business license. Resident companies also have to complete annual returns. Contact Aotopay attorneys to have at hand more details about the industry that interests you.

Taxation in Mauritius

Any initial decision about company incorporation in Mauritius shall be evaluated with the subsequent highlights:

  • Profit tax (for legal persons) – (1) basic rate – 15% (2) for entities that export goods – 3%
  • Income tax (for natural persons) – 15%
  • VAT – 15%
  • Withholding tax (for non-residents) – (1) dividends – 0% (2) interests – 15% (3) royalties – 15%.

Capital gains tax are not foreseen in Mauritius.

How Aotopay Attorneys Can Assist You

If you have decided to acquire a ready-made company in Mauritius or incorporate a new one, Aotopay experts are prepared to render you complex legal support at each stage of the process as well as further legal assistance in the course of its next operation, whether in Mauritius or worldwide.


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