Registration of a company in Denmark Aps

Name of service Bronze Silver Gold Platinum
Company name availability check and reservation in Danish Business Authority (Erhvervsstyrelsen) Verifying the availability and reserving of your preferred company name in Danish Business Authority(Erhvervsstyrelsen)
Company registration in form of Private limited company (ApS) including government fees Preparation and submission of all required documents and fees to the relevant government authorities for company registration in form of Private limited company (ApS), ensuring a streamlined process for our clients
Certificate of incorporation (Registreringsbevis) This document is an official extract from the Denmark Commercial Register(Erhvervsstyrelsen), which includes information about the company's registration number, legal form, registered address, shareholders, management board members, and other relevant details
Articles of Association (Vedtægter) This document outlines the company's internal regulations, including details about the company's name, purpose, share capital, management structure, decision-making processes, and other important provisions
Minutes of the meeting of directors of the company (Referat fra generalforsamling) Document preparation necessary for the legal registration of directors within the company structure
Company seal Production of the company seal
Company CVR number A CVR number is a number that all companies in Denmark must have in order to be identified. It is used, among other things, to create a bank account for business purposes and to set up insurance for your business. Your CVR number can also be used as a VAT number if your business is VAT registered
Assistance in opening a corporate bank account in the payment system Collection, processing and filing of the documents required for opening a corporate account with a payment system, including consultation of appropriate jurisdiction
Assistance in opening a corporate bank account with a traditional bank (ING, ABN Amro and Rabobank) Collection, processing and filing of the documents required for opening a corporate account in a traditional bank, including consultation on the choice of appropriate jurisdiction
Assistance with a VAT number obtainment Assistance in obtaining a VAT number for your company, which is necessary for accounting and payment of value added tax in accordance with tax requirements
Apostilled and Translated company documents Apostille certification and consular legalization of documents, depending on the country of operation
Free Consultation We offer a free consultation where you can discuss your needs and questions regarding company registration and management. Our experts will be happy to help you understand the process and provide guidance based on your situation. We are happy to answer your questions and help you make an informed decision about the services you need
Total cost
2100 EUR 3000 EUR 3500 EUR 6550 EUR
Provision of a legal address for 1 (one) year
800 EUR 800 EUR 800 EUR 800 EUR
Remote company registration with transfer of authority
500 EUR 500 EUR 500 EUR 500 EUR
Accounting services
150 EUR 150 EUR 150 EUR 150 EUR

Deal of the month

If you will register a company until 31 January,
opening a bank account is for FREE

6 easy steps to get started
  • 1

    Select your
    preferred jurisdiction

  • 2

    Choose a bank
    that meets your
    company's needs

  • 3

    Pay for our services
    using a convenient
    payment method

  • 4

    Receive all necessary
    corporate documents

  • 5

    Receive details
    for your newly opened
    bank account

  • 6

    We'll deliver the original
    documents directly
    to you

Denmark is a reputable European jurisdiction that has created favourable conditions for running a business and strongly encourages foreign investments. This country may appear as a suitable option for entering major European markets as well as operating worldwide. The jurisdiction has certain standards of compliance that are not too bureaucratized. This is one of the most significant arguments for establishing a business presence in Denmark.

Major Forms of Legal and Business Presence in Denmark

If you intend to establish your business and legal presence in Denmark, you may do this in the following major forms:
  • Private Limited Liability Company – a commercial vehicle where the liability of founders (shareholders) is limited to the amounts of their contributions only. The shares of this entity cannot be freely transferred and founders should form a statutory capital in the amount of DKK 40,000 at least.
  • Public Limited Liability Company – a corporate entity where the liability of shareholders is limited to the amounts of shares they own provided that such shares can be freely offered to the public. The statutory capital for this entity should be at least DKK 400,000.
  • General Partnership – businessmen who choose this vehicle are liable for the results of its operation, including with their personal assets.
  • Limited Partnership – entrepreneurs may form this partnership in the status of (i) general partner who is entirely responsible for the business management and its results, and (ii) silent partner who bears the liability that is restricted to the amount of their contribution to the capital of partnership only.
  • Branch – this type of business presence is suitable for foreign companies that intend to conduct the same type of business activities in Denmark. The registration procedure is required in this case.
  • Representative Office – a type of business presence that is designated for investigating local business opportunities and promoting a foreign company only.

Registration Requirements and Steps

If you intend to create a company in Denmark, you may accomplish this by passing these steps:
  1. Determining your business objectives and reflecting such in your business plan.
  2. Choosing and verifying a business name for your future business vehicle.
  3. Arranging a future registered office for this corporate entity.
  4. Collecting information about the company’s founders, beneficiary owners, and management.
  5. Opening a bank account for depositing the amount of share capital.
  6. Drafting and formalizing Memorandum and Articles of Association for a future entity.
  7. Forming and lodging the package of registration documents to the Danish Business Authority. In the outcome, a company obtains a Central Company Register Number.
  8. Registration for tax and social security purposes.
  9. Getting specific permits and licenses for certain activities.

Legal and Regulatory Framework

The Danish legal framework may be considered very favourable. The local government has simplified the company registration procedure to make it maximally easy, including for foreign citizens. The company should comply during its operation with all European standards of doing business. The Danish Companies Act is a major legal act regulating the incorporation procedure. The entire data about all legal entities in Denmark is contained in the Central Business Register. The Danish Business Authority, the Danish Customs and Tax Administration are the principal bodies responsible for the state registration and regulation of business activities.

Advantages of the Jurisdiction

Company formation in Denmark may be promising taking into account these potential benefits you may enjoy:
  • Reputable European jurisdiction with the stable and well-developed economy
  • Skilled and experienced workforce
  • Developed trade, construction and logistics sectors
  • Emphasis on modern technologies
  • Number of incentives for doing business and making investments

Tax System of Denmark

Before setting up a company in Denmark, you may need to know about the following tax highlights relevant to this jurisdiction:
  • Corporate income tax rate (CIT) – 22 %
  • Personal income tax (PIT) rate (headline) – up to 56%
  • Value-added tax rate – 25 %
  • Withholding tax rates (for non-residents) – (i) dividends – 27% (ii) interests – 22 % (iii) royalties – 22 %
  • Capital gains tax rates – (i) corporate – equals to the standard CIT (ii) individual - equals to the standard PIT

How Aotopay Specialists May Assist You

If you want to open a company in Denmark, Aotopay specialists may consult you more precisely about the major legal requirements you should address, make all necessary arrangements, prepare documents, and actually conduct this registration. Reach out to us shortly for more precise discussions and suggestions.

Best Offers

  • 3900 EUR

    • Сompany registration
    • Legal address for 1 year

  • 3500 EUR

    • Сompany registration
    • Legal address for 1 year

  • 3900 EUR

    • Сompany registration
    • Legal address for 1 year

  • 2100 EUR

    • Сompany registration
    • Legal address for 1 year

  • 9000 EUR

    • Сompany registration
    • Legal address for 1 year


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