Bank account

Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA

Name Account type Account Opening Period Price
Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA
Investment Account 10 working days 500 USD

Union Bankaire Privée (UBP SA) was founded in the late 60s of the 20th century, and since then its board has been consistently headed by the members of the creator’s family. To date, its assets amount to more than 60 billion Swiss francs, it actively conducts operations to acquire financial structures, constantly increasing capacity. The bank is focused on investment products — deposits, hedge funds, servicing and asset management — and restricts commercial transactions.

Opening an account with Union Bancaire Privée Bank, UBP SA is convenient because:

  • there is no need to travel to Switzerland, a meeting with a banker (not mandatory, but desirable);
  • account opening, incoming payments, correspondence service and Internet banking are free of charge;
  • there is no need for letters of recommendation;
  • the client can independently determine the payment limits under Swiss law.

The bank strictly approaches to the documentation, that must be provided to create the account, is “sensitive” to frequent references to the clientele in the media, does not offer Internet money management (only familiarization and passive control). Within half a year, after the end of the procedure it is necessary to transfer to UBP SA not less than one million Swiss francs. The same amount should remain on the account as a non-reducible average monthly balance. The structure participates in agreements on double taxation and complies with AML-legislation.

Opening of the account with Union Bancaire Privée bank, UBP SA takes up to 4 weeks, but by using the services of the company “Aotopay”,it is possible to optimize the timeframe and pass on all the hassle to professional experts. The following will need for the procedure:

  • completed forms, questionnaires, summaries, passport and address data for applicants, managers, beneficiaries;
  • corporate documentation — originals of charters, registration certificates, orders for appointing directorates and so on;
  • description of the business, its actual address, sources of origin of the funds;
  • a statement on the existence of accounts with the company or beneficiaries in other banks.

The personal presence of the beneficiaries and managers when opening the account is mandatory — at the “exit” meeting or in Switzerland. It is possible to perform the procedure only through representatives, without the presence of bankers.


If you order a new company untill 31 of July, opening a bank account is for FREE

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