Bank account

IB Investicijubanka

Name Account type Account Opening Period Price
IB Investicijubanka
Corporate account 2-3 weeks 500 EUR

Latvian financial structures are popular with business representatives due to the simplicity and convenience of work, which is supported by the opportunity to fully cooperate with the Western world. Opening a bank account with IB Investicijubanka gives entrepreneurs an access to a European partnership.

The structure, created in 2001, offers a variety of products for private and corporate customers: issuance of international cards (including exclusive World Elite), transfers and payments, Internet banking, which is connected and services free of charge. It is possible to design multi-currency accounts, lending, trade financing. Bank IB Investicijubanka is convenient for investment, brokerage and work with it has many advantages:

  • no restrictions for the minimum turnover and the number of transfers per month;
  • opening an account with IB Investicijubanka can be done remotely, without coming to Latvia, through a representative;
  • the convenience of work for Internet business: secure remote access tools, merchant accounts and so on;
  • an operative opening of accounts – if the volume and completeness of the documentation were sufficient for the bank’s employees, all formalities shall be completed within no more than a week.

Features of the procedure

IB Investicijubanka concluded agreements on legal support, avoidance of double taxation with the most of the countries, inclusive Russia, and strictly adheres to AML-norms. Therefore, the documentation submitted is carefully studied and verified.

To open a bank account with IB Investicijubanka successfully, it is necessary to enlist the support of experienced employees of Aotopay company. We will represent the customers and help to collect the necessary papers.

The bank requires a standard set of documentation when opening an account:

  • for individuals – copies of passports and, possibly, other identifying documents;
  • corporate applicants need to provide the constituent documentation, a description of the business and funds sources (rather detailed), confirmation of the financial status of the beneficiaries;
  • when working through representatives, you will need to have certified powers of attorney.


If you order a new company untill 31 of July, opening a bank account is for FREE

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