Company registration in Mexico

Name of service Bronze Silver Gold
Company name verification and reservation el Registro Público de Comercio Verifying the availability and reserving of your preferred company name in the registry
Company registration fees Sociedad de Responsabilidad, including government fees Preparation and submission of all required documents and fees to the relevant government authorities for company registration, ensuring a streamlined process for our clients
Assistance with a tax number obtainment в el Registro Federal de Contribuyentes Assistance in obtaining a tax number for your company, which is necessary for accounting and payment of value added tax in accordance with tax requirements
Assistance with a IMSS number obtainment Assistance in obtaining a IMSS number for your company, which is necessary for accounting and payment of value added tax in accordance with tax requirements
A set of statutory documents of the company in electronic form Preparation of a comprehensive package of incorporation documents for any form of company ownership in electronic form
Company seal Production of the company seal
Assistance in opening a corporate bank account in the payment system Collection, processing and filing of the documents required for opening a corporate account with a payment system, including consultation of appropriate jurisdiction
Statutory documents of the company Preparing a comprehensive package of incorporation documents for any form of company ownership
Assistance in opening a corporate bank account in local bank BBVA de Mexico, Santander Mexico, Banorte Collecting, processing and filing the necessary documents for opening a corporate account with a local bank
Assistance in opening a personal bank account Collection, processing and filing of the documents required to open a personal account, including consultation of appropriate jurisdiction
Free consultation We offer a free consultation where you can discuss your needs and questions regarding company registration and management. Our experts will be happy to help you understand the process and provide guidance based on your situation. We are happy to answer your questions and help you make an informed decision about the services you need
Total cost
4800 USD 5500 USD 6600 USD
Provision of a legal address for 1 (one) year
2200 USD 2200 USD 2200 USD
Remote company registration with transfer of authority
500 USD 500 USD 500 USD
Accounting services
350 USD 350 USD 350 USD

Deal of the month

If you will register a company until 31 January,
opening a bank account is for FREE

6 easy steps to get started
  • 1

    Select your
    preferred jurisdiction

  • 2

    Choose a bank
    that meets your
    company's needs

  • 3

    Pay for our services
    using a convenient
    payment method

  • 4

    Receive all necessary
    corporate documents

  • 5

    Receive details
    for your newly opened
    bank account

  • 6

    We'll deliver the original
    documents directly
    to you

Mexico is a part of the North American Free Trade Area, it develops rapidly and is rightly considered as one of the most highly developed countries in the region. It is a member of "The Big Latin American Three" (like Brazil and Argentina). More than 20,000 external companies invest in its economy, and an establishment of a company in Mexico can bring a lot of rewards to the founders. If you are among interested foreign investors, you may expect to get lots of benefits here after choosing one of these registration options.

Major Forms of Legal and Business Presence

If you are interested in forming a company in Mexico, this may be arranged in one of these widespread registration forms:
  • Limited Liability Company – a corporate entity that can be formed by two members only, including non-residents, and has a maximum of 50 shareholders whose liability is limited. They don't risk incurring any losses in excess of the funds contributed. It is a convenient form by the fact that the minimum capital shall be determined by the founders independently.
  • Joint-Stock Company – is a body corporate most often used for involving extra financing. The obligations of founders are limited to the value of stocks owned only. The number of possible founders starts from 2 and is not limited. Stocks may be freely transferred and a company’s stockholders determine the amount of chartered capital independently.
Also, other options of business presence in this jurisdiction are available. For professionals providing legal, accounting, and other services, without the requirements for minimum capital, but with personal responsibility, a private enterprise may be a suitable form for doing business. Foreign companies may also think about establishing a branch for conducting the same types of business activities as abroad at minimal cost in Mexico. Aotopay lawyers will help you to choose the most suitable form and collect documentation for the establishment of a company in Mexico. We will undertake the organizational efforts and carry out all the procedures.

Registration Requirements and Steps

Company incorporation in Mexico covers these preliminary registration steps:
  1. Defining your business objectives and creating a business plan for a future enterprise.
  2. Collecting details about future founders, beneficiaries, and managers of a body corporate.
  3. Arranging the registered address for a future entity.
  4. Drafting statutory and registration documents.
  5. Submitting the set of prepared documents for the registration.
  6. Registration with tax and social security authorities.
  7. Opening a corporate tax account.
  8. Obtaining licenses and special permits that may be required for regulated types of activities.
The company's registration in Mexico takes about four to five weeks. After that, the owners are issued with documents, and they can start the activities - it will be controlled by regional and federal inspection authorities.

Legal and Regulatory Framework

In Mexico, foreign businessmen are provided with convenient business conditions - it is possible to start a business in almost any industry, except for the spheres stipulated in the legislation. Precisely, the state only can work in the field of oil, nuclear and electric power, postal services, helicopter surveillance, and domestic land transportation of passengers and cargo, credit and broadcasting services are available only to citizens and companies of the country. In other respects, the Mexican economy is 100% open to foreign investors - tourism, hotel business, and trade are of particular interest. You can start a business without the participation of local co-founders, but all the company's founders must be in the country during registration. Also, it is necessary to get permission to establish a company with foreign capital. Even taking into account all advantages it offers, it cannot be said that Mexico is low-tax zone, as it has rather strict rules for doing business. The companies are required:
  • to maintain records and keep accounting - there are many checks and they are serious;
  • every year to submit reports (statistics and finances) certified by an auditor;
  • at the company's establishment, to register it to at least two founders are required - one of them can perform the director's functions.
Contact Aotopay lawyers for getting more precise consultations on the types of activities you intend to conduct and regulatory regimes applicable to such.

Tax System of Mexico

Company registration in Mexico may turn out to be a beneficial business arrangement taking into account these advantages of the jurisdiction:
  • Corporate income tax rate – 30%
  • Personal income tax rates (i) for residents – a progressive scale of rates up to 35% is applied, and (ii) for non-residents – a progressive scale of rates up to 30% is applied
  • Value-added tax rate – 16%
  • Withholding tax rates (for non-residents) – (i) dividends – 10% (ii) interests – from 4.9% to 35% (iii) royalties – from 5% to 35%
  • Capital gains tax rates – (i) corporate – 25% / 30% / 35% depending on the type of a payer and income (ii) personal – basic 10% but this rate may vary depending on the transaction and income obtained.

Advantages of the Jurisdiction

Company incorporation in Mexico may be a promising venture taking into account these advantages this jurisdiction offers:
  • Ease of access to US and Canadian markets
  • Simplicity and low costs of company incorporation
  • Availability of benefits from 50 free trade agreements
  • Rich in natural resources
  • Encourages foreign investment

How Aotopay Specialists May Help You

We offer prompt company registration and bank account opening services in Mexico and worldwide. New registration and ready-made options. Provide extensive details for more precise consultations and suggestions that can be effective for your future project.


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