Today, a great number of companies get registration here to become members of the EU community comprising Gibraltar, therefore, online casinos will be European. Here one can establish bookmaker offices, gaming machines, and online lotteries, as well as serve as a bet broker. 

The above-mentioned jurisdiction possesses other advantages, such as:

  • prestige (there would be no difficulties with partners and contractors) and location;
  • convenient cooperation with the European banking authorities;
  • technical content development: communication lines, fiber-optic Internet network, local skilled specialists;
  • possible direct processing of bank cards;
  • State support to the industry;
  • low tax rates (1% gross on gambling), no VAT and down payment.

Online Casino License

The jurisdiction authorities take care of reputation and prestige, therefore, they keep a strict watch on compliance with the rules of gambling business. Starting a business is subject to licensing – opening an online casino in Gibraltar shall be deemed to close consideration of each application. On the other hand, this fosters the willingness of partners to cooperate with a company that had received a license here.


Aotopay provides assistance in registering a gambling business and obtaining all permits. Their cost varies depending on a specific activity area and starts at €30,000, plus an annual license renewal costing €2,000. Licenses are issued to efficient operators, so they need to do a complete audit. The other conditions necessary for the establishment of a gambling business in Gibraltar include:

  • existence of a workable business plan and stable financial position;
  • testing software in use;
  • taxation of currency exchange when betting, and so on.
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