Company registration in Czech Republic

Name of service Bronze Silver Gold Platinum Brilliant
Company name verification and reservation in Commercial Register (Obchodní rejstřík) Verifying the availability and reserving of your preferred company name in the registry
Company registration in form of S.R.O including government fees Preparation and submission of all required documents and fees to the relevant government authorities for company registration, ensuring a streamlined process for our clients
Memorandum of Association (Zakladatelská listina) Preparation of the memorandum of association. This document outlines the company's constitution and internal regulations. It includes details about the company's name, registered office address, purpose, share capital, shareholders' rights and obligations, management structure, and other important provisions
Commercial Register Extract (Výpis z obchodního rejstříku) Provision of international standard certificate of incorporation. The Commercial Register Extract is an official document issued by the Commercial Register, confirming the company's registration and providing information such as the company's identification number, legal form, registered address, shareholders, management structure, and other relevant details
Register of Shareholders (Evidence společníků) This register lists the company's shareholders, their personal details, shareholdings, and any changes in share ownership. It is important to maintain an accurate and up-to-date register of shareholders
Assistance in opening a corporate bank account in the payment system Collection, processing and filing of the documents required for opening a corporate account with a payment system, including consultation of appropriate jurisdiction
Assistance in opening a corporate bank account in Ceska Sporitelna A.S, Fio Banka A.S. Collecting, processing and filing the necessary documents for opening a corporate account with a local bank
Local director for one (1) year Provision of a Czech Republic resident director to open account with a local bank
Apostilled and Translated company documents Apostille certification and consular legalization of documents, depending on the country of operation
Assistance with a VAT number obtainment in Tax Office (Daňový úřad) Collecting, preparing and filing the necessary documents for obtaining a VAT number
Free consultation We offer a free consultation where you can discuss your needs and questions regarding company registration and management. Our experts will be happy to help you understand the process and provide guidance based on your situation. We are happy to answer your questions and help you make an informed decision about the services you need
Total cost
1200 EUR 2500 EUR 3800 EUR 9500 EUR 10500 EUR
Provision of a legal address for 1 (one) year
900 EUR 900 EUR 900 EUR 900 EUR 900 EUR
Remote company registration with transfer of authority
200 EUR 200 EUR 200 EUR 200 EUR 200 EUR
Accounting services
175 EUR 175 EUR 175 EUR 175 EUR 175 EUR

Deal of the month

If you will register a company until 31 January,
opening a bank account is for FREE

6 easy steps to get started
  • 1

    Select your
    preferred jurisdiction

  • 2

    Choose a bank
    that meets your
    company's needs

  • 3

    Pay for our services
    using a convenient
    payment method

  • 4

    Receive all necessary
    corporate documents

  • 5

    Receive details
    for your newly opened
    bank account

  • 6

    We'll deliver the original
    documents directly
    to you

Company registration in the Czech Republic may turn out to be a suitable option for running a business in Europe. It offers favorable business conditions for start-ups, including in the financial sector. If you think about registering a company in the Czech Republic, this overview of the jurisdiction may help you make your choice.

Major Forms of Legal and Business Presence

If you intend to enter the Czech Republic by establishing your business presence in this country, this may be accomplished in one of the next forms:

  • Limited Liability Company (LLC) – a vehicle designated to conduct most types of business activities. It is convenient from this perspective and also from the point that its statutory capital should be only CZK1. The liability of shareholders, in this case, is restricted to the value of their investments only.
  • Joint Stock Company – an entity designated to involve extra financing and requires the initial statutory capital of CZK2 million. The liability of the shareholders, in this case, is limited to the values of the owned shares that also can be transferred. The types of shares may vary and envisage the respective rights for their owners.
  • General Partnership - a business formation established and operated by at least two persons whose liability for the results of all business transactions is not limited in any way, even their personal property can be at risk.
  • Limited Partnership - a business arrangement that is run by (i) one or more general partners whose liability is not restricted in any way, and (ii) one or more limited partners who take financial responsibility for all results of the partnership's operation within the invested amounts only.
  • Representative offices or branches – foreign legal entities may find these options suitable for exploring local business opportunities and conducting certain scope of business transactions respectively.

Company Registration Requirements and Steps

The registration of a company in the Czech Republic, a limited liability company, for instance, may require passing these preliminary steps:

  1. Identifying major business objectives for doing business in the Czech Republic.
  2. Collecting data about founders and beneficial owners.
  3. Choosing and verifying the business name for a prospective entity.
  4. Drafting and notarizing the vehicle’s memorandum and articles of association.
  5. Arranging a local business address.
  6. Submitting documents required for the registration to the respective local court. The data about the newly-founded entity will be reflected in the Commercial Register.
  7. Registration for tax and social security purposes.
  8. Obtaining extra permits and licenses (optionally – the exact types of your future activities should be considered).

This is a general overview of the LLC registration procedure. But, in certain cases, minor variations of this procedure may appear. Aotopay specialists are ready to consider the peculiarities of your concrete case and suggest more detailed preliminary guidance.

Legal and Regulatory Framework

The local legal framework can be considered beneficial for starting and operating businesses. Completing the procedure for launching a company will not take too long. The transactional costs are comparatively low in this case as well. The local government also takes steps to facilitate doing business in this country for foreign businessmen.

Advantages of the Jurisdiction

If you are intending to create a company in the Czech Republic, you may enjoy these business opportunities:

  • Plenty of incentives for doing business (tax relief and exemptions, grants, favorable conditions for obtaining land plots)
  • Open and transparent business environment
  • Skilled employees

Tax System in the Czech Republic

  • Corporate income tax (CIT) rate – 19 %
  • Personal income tax (PIT) rate – (i) basic – 15%, and (ii) increased – 23 % for income exceeding the amount of CZK 1.7 million
  • VAT – 21 %
  • Withholding tax rates (basic, applied to non-residents) – (i) dividends – 15 %, (ii) interests – 15%, (ii) royalties – 15 %.
  • Capital gains tax rates – (i) corporate – equals to the standard CIT rate, (ii) individual – equals to the standard PIT rate.

How Aotopay Specialists May Assist You

If you intend to establish a company in the Czech Republic, Aotopay specialists may consult you whether this may be actually promising in your particular case. Our professionals can also elaborate on alternatives that will suit your business objectives well. In any case, we are also ready to support you at any stage of your business's formation and operation – from drafting documents to supporting the daily activities of your newly-founded vehicle. Reach us for more precise consultations.

Best Offers

  • 3800 EUR

    • Сompany registration
    • Legal address for 1 year

  • 1050 EUR

    • Сompany registration
    • Domicile for 1 year
    • Seal

  • 1350 EUR

    • Сompany registration
    • Legal address for 1 year

  • 6200 EUR

    • Сompany registration
    • Legal address for 1 year

  • 990 EUR

    • Сompany registration
    • Legal address for 1 year

  • 1450 EUR

    • Сompany registration
    • Legal address for 1 year


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