Company registration in San Marino

Name of service Bronze Silver Gold
Check and reserve of the company name Obtaining approval from the registrar for the company name
Company registration, including state fees Preparation of a full package of documents, depending on the chosen form of ownership, cooperation with the relevant authorities prior to obtaining information on company registration
Legal address for 1 year Provision of legal address for your company in a given jurisdiction, eliminating the need to purchase or rent real estate
Assistance in opening an account Collection, preparation and submission of the necessary documents for opening a corporate account
Total cost
6900 EUR 13400 EUR 16000 EUR
Accounting services
135 EUR 135 EUR 135 EUR
Annual renewal (paid from the second year)
1600 EUR 8100 EUR 8100 EUR

Deal of the month

If you will register a company until 31 January,
opening a bank account is for FREE

6 easy steps to get started
  • 1

    Select your
    preferred jurisdiction

  • 2

    Choose a bank
    that meets your
    company's needs

  • 3

    Pay for our services
    using a convenient
    payment method

  • 4

    Receive all necessary
    corporate documents

  • 5

    Receive details
    for your newly opened
    bank account

  • 6

    We'll deliver the original
    documents directly
    to you

Small but autonomous state San-Marino is surrounded by Italy from all the sides. Enclave that located on one of the ridges Apennines is the country with convenient civil law that represents to external investors a lot of opportunities for optimization and development of their business. In the early 90th of the 20 century San-Marino became a UN member. By now San-Marino completed a lot of agreements with Italy and other countries of the EU (all the export and import are free from taxes) and World Bank. National currency is euro.

Government pays a lot of attention from one side to provide good conditions for external investments and from the other side to strengthen the reputation of the country and improve its position in “black and white” ratings. Despite the fact that San-Marino is offshore with traditional for such kinds of jurisdictions rules of taxation and keeping information about gain acquirers. But due to the actions of authorities and bank reforms the level of credibility to enclave always grows.

Among the advantages of the state it is necessary to say:

  • exemption from taxes for offshore companies (the standard rate in the country is 17%, there is a simplified scheme of 6.5%);
  • Encouraging prospective entrepreneurship - a system of grants is in place;
  • There are no mandatory requirements for keeping records, compiling annual reports - the decision is left to the discretion of the entrepreneurs themselves;
  • data on beneficiaries are not disclosed;
  • The minimum number of shareholders or directors is one, there are no requirements for their residency, beneficiaries can be individuals and firms,
  • There is no VAT in the country, you do not need to hire a secretary, you can use a nominal service and so on.

The company's registration in San Marino is a procedure that requires a professional "look". An experienced expert will help you to choose the appropriate tax model, the form of the enterprise, and integrate it into the existing business. The company "Aotopay" offers qualified assistance in collecting the documents and setting a company, advising customers on all issues.

Types of companies and special aspects of its foundation

Foreign investors, starting a business in San Marino, can choose one of the most common forms - joint-stock companies or companies of international commercial type. AO is divided into types - sp and s.p.a., with a minimum capital of 256 and 77 thousand euros respectively. Half of the amount must be paid no later than 60 days after the end of registration, the rest - within the next three years.

If the company is the sole shareholder, all funds are transferred within a period of up to two months. In San Marino, when registering companies in the form of LLC (s.r.l.), the minimum capital is 25.5 thousand euros. It can also be introduced in parts - one half for two months, the second - for three years. It is permissible to hire one director (including a nominal director) and concentrate the property in the hands of the sole shareholder.

The opening of the company in San Marino consists of several stages. It is necessary:

  • check the name for repetition and admissibility;
  • to establish a legal address;
  • draw up a charter and a memorandum of association, submit to the registering authority their and documents identifying the owners and the directorate;
  • Make a state fee to the treasury.

After the documents have been handed over, they will be checked and made a decision. The registration process, as a rule, takes up to one and a half months.


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