Company registration in Mali

Name of service Bronze Silver Gold Platinum
Check and reserve of the company name Obtaining approval from the registrar for the company name
Company registration, including state fees Preparation of a full package of documents, depending on the chosen form of ownership, cooperation with the relevant authorities prior to obtaining information on company registration
Legal address for 1 year Provision of legal address for your company in a given jurisdiction, eliminating the need to purchase or rent real estate
Assistance in opening an account Collection, preparation and submission of the necessary documents for opening a corporate account
Nominal service for 1 year Registration of a company with nominal service and provision of nominees for 1 year. The price includes issuance of additional documents: power of attorney, trust documents and agreements
Total cost
1600 EUR 2100 EUR 3200 EUR 7400 EUR
Accounting services
190 EUR 190 EUR 190 EUR 190 EUR
Annual renewal (paid from the second year)
1500 EUR 2600 EUR 2600 EUR 6800 EUR

Deal of the month

If you will register a company until 31 January,
opening a bank account is for FREE

6 easy steps to get started
  • 1

    Select your
    preferred jurisdiction

  • 2

    Choose a bank
    that meets your
    company's needs

  • 3

    Pay for our services
    using a convenient
    payment method

  • 4

    Receive all necessary
    corporate documents

  • 5

    Receive details
    for your newly opened
    bank account

  • 6

    We'll deliver the original
    documents directly
    to you

The Republic of Mali is a country located in the northwestern part of the African continent. Until recently, it was among the poorest in the world, but the introduction of several reforms and the relative stabilization of the political situation has helped to attract foreign capital. Opening a company in Bamako or any other city in Mali is safe and even profitable. The country's competition level is low, and agriculture is the leading share of GDP. The primary industry that foreign investors choose to buy a company in Mali is the cultivation of cotton.

Advantages of registering a company

  • access to the emerging and promising African market;
  • high economic growth rates;
  • tax incentives for foreign investors;
  • the possibility of opening a company in Mali with 1 shareholder and 1 director of any nationality.

Main forms of legal presence and doing business

  • limited liability company (SARL);
  • public limited company (SA);
  • branch office (succursale);
  • representative office (bureau de liaison).

Registration procedure

You can open a company in Mali at the Malian Investment Promotion Agency (API). To go through the procedure, you need the following:

  • deposit 100% of the share capital in a bank account or with a notary;
  • to sign an affidavit (affidavit under oath) about the absence of criminal record;
  • to notarize the charter;
  • to buy an official stamp of the company;
  • submit the charter documents to the Registrar.

Once the details of the new company have been published in the Official Journal, the entrepreneur can open a bank account for the business and obtain the necessary licenses and permits if future activity requires it.

Registering a company in Mali has its peculiarities. For example, only three days are allocated for filing documents. In addition, opening a bank account in a foreign currency will require permission from the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank of West Africa, which must be renewed annually.

Legislation and regulatory environment

The 2012 Investment Code (Code des Investissements) regulates attracting capital from abroad. However, for many entrepreneurs, complex and contradictory local legislation is a barrier that makes them reluctant to buy a company in Mali. The OHADA Law on Commercial Companies and Economic Interest Groups contributes to solving this problem.

Tax system

Mali has a system of taxation at source, under which residents and non-residents are taxed on income earned in the country. The general tax rates are:

  • corporate tax - 35%;
  • withholding tax on dividends - 10%;
  • VAT - 18%;
  • PIT - 0 to 37% (proportional to the amount of income).

It is possible to register a business in Mali on more favorable terms, taking advantage of the many benefits for:

  • companies subject to one of the four regimes depending on the size of the investment according to the Investment Code;
  • companies registered in free trade zones or export processing zones;
  • real estate owners - under the Code on Investment Property of 1999 (Loi sur la Promotion Immobilière, REIC).

Companies engaged in the extraction of hydrocarbons and minerals can reduce the amount of tax liabilities.

Open a business in Mali: how Aotopay lawyers can assist

It is not easy for foreigners to understand the specifics of the Republic's legislation and consider all the relevant nuances at the time of company creation. Aotopay lawyers are ready to answer all your questions. We will help you quickly and profitably register a company in Mali and provide comprehensive accounting services and support.


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