Registration of a company on the Isle of Man

Name of service Bronze Silver Gold Platinum
Check and reserve of the company name Obtaining approval from the registrar for the company name
Company registration, including state fees Preparation of a full package of documents, depending on the chosen form of ownership, cooperation with the relevant authorities prior to obtaining information on company registration
Legal address for 1 year Provision of legal address for your company in a given jurisdiction, eliminating the need to purchase or rent real estate
Secretary services for 1 year The person named on the certificate of incorporation and representing the company, through which communication with local government agencies is carried out
Services of local director for 1 year Providing a resident director of a given jurisdiction or the EU, which is necessary for registering a company and opening an account at a local bank
Assistance in opening an account Collection, preparation and submission of the necessary documents for opening a corporate account
Assistance in obtaining a VAT number Collecting, preparing and submitting the necessary documents to obtain a VAT number
Total cost
1900 EUR 7500 EUR 9600 EUR 10700 EUR
Accounting services
100 EUR 100 EUR 100 EUR 100 EUR
Annual renewal (paid from the second year)
1500 EUR 5900 EUR 5900 EUR 5900 EUR

Deal of the month

If you will register a company until 31 January,
opening a bank account is for FREE

6 easy steps to get started
  • 1

    Select your
    preferred jurisdiction

  • 2

    Choose a bank
    that meets your
    company's needs

  • 3

    Pay for our services
    using a convenient
    payment method

  • 4

    Receive all necessary
    corporate documents

  • 5

    Receive details
    for your newly opened
    bank account

  • 6

    We'll deliver the original
    documents directly
    to you

The Isle of Man is a dependency of the British Crown. It is not part of the European Union and the European Economic Area. Still, it trades with EU countries under the rules of the Union regarding customs duties, excise taxes, and VAT. Therefore, setting up a company in Douglas or any other city in the Isle of Man allows access to the benefits of the internal European market. Due to the progressive legislation, the jurisdiction has a positive reputation. Registering a firm in the Isle of Man will allow the entrepreneur to engage in various activities, including owning real estate and managing assets. Due to the existence of information exchange and double taxation agreements, the jurisdiction is on the allowlist of the OECD.

Advantages of registering a company

  • the possibility of duty-free trade with the UK and EU countries;
  • a good reputation of the jurisdiction;
  • no direct taxation of most companies in the Isle of Man;
  • possibility to establish a company with one shareholder and any size of share capital;
  • availability of qualified specialists;
  • low tax rates;
  • English-speaking environment.

Main forms of legal presence and doing business

  • limited liability company;
  • limited liability partnership;
  • foreign companies;
  • fund;
  • trust.

Most foreign entrepreneurs choose a limited liability company to open a company on the Isle of Man. This legal form gives shareholders maximum flexibility in selecting a business area and limits financial risks. However, other types of companies may also be considered for certain types of business.

Registration procedure

  • choose and reserve a company name through the Registry of Companies;
  • register a company in the Isle of Man;
  • open a corporate bank account;
  • obtain the necessary permits and licenses.

Legislation and regulatory environment

Isle of Man companies can be created and regulated under two separate laws:

  • The Companies Act of 1931 (often used for the formation of local businesses) requires the appointment of two directors for management, who can be non-residents but does not require the presence of a government-licensed agent. In addition, a company secretary is required, who can act as a director and be a non-resident. Companies must hold annual meetings and prepare annual financial statements.
  • The Companies Act of 2006 allows for the creation of a company with one director, who can be a legal entity but requires the engagement of a licensed agent. There is no requirement for annual meetings or the preparation of annual financial statements.
You must have a local registered office to open a company on the Isle of Man.

The Companies Act allows the re-domiciliation of an existing legal entity from another jurisdiction allowing such relocation. In this case, the company continues to exist, retaining its assets and liabilities. After relocation, its activities will be governed by the laws of the Isle of Man.

The beneficial ownership law requires investors who own more than 25% of the company's shares to provide the necessary data to the Registrar for storage in the Isle of Man beneficial ownership database.

Tax system

  • corporate tax - 0% (for most companies), 10% (for banking and retail trade), 20% (for real estate transactions);
  • PIT - 20%;
  • VAT - 20%;
  • dividend tax - 0%;
  • tax on capital gains - 0%.

There is also no inheritance tax on the island, which makes registering a company a tax-efficient way to own real estate.

All companies must file tax returns for the reporting period, regardless of the rate at which they are taxed. The Isle of Man resident companies are taxed on their worldwide income. Non-resident companies doing business on the island pay taxes only on income earned on its territory.

Opening a business on the Isle of Man: how the lawyers at Aotopay can assist

Doing business on the Isle of Man allows a foreign entrepreneur to take advantage of many economic advantages of legal presence in the European Union. At the same time, the British island territory is characterized by a comfortable fiscal regime. Company registration on the Isle of Man can be used to optimize the tax burden and ownership of investment portfolios, real estate, and other assets. Aotopay lawyers will choose the optimal legal form of the legal entity under the client's interests. Company specialists will deal with bureaucratic and administrative issues, allowing company registration in a short period.

After registering your business on the Isle of Man, you can entrust our specialists with your company's accounting and annual maintenance.


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