Business Start-Up

It takes about 2 months to register a company in this country.


The company operation is not taxable, only the annual corporation tax shall be paid.

About firms

The Commercial Code of Costa Rica, existing since 1964, provides the forms for business registration. As a rule, foreign investors establish corporations (sociedad anónima) here, on which there is a number of requirements:

  • at least 2 subscribers at the time of establishment, therefore, a sole shareholder and a corporate shareholder are allowed;
  • the shareholders’ meetings should be held annually anywhere in the world if provided by a charter;
  • no-par value shares and bearer shares are banned; preferred shares are allowed;
  • the corporation shall comprise a fiscal agent, a registered resident agent, at least three directors (whose residency requirements are not needed, but one of them shall be referred to as a President, another – a Treasurer, and a third – a Secretary).

Charter Capital

The legislation of Costa Rica does not place restrictive demands on the minimum amount of the charter capital. The only thing to remember is that at least a quarter of the charter capital shall be for by the time of company registration.

Legal Address of the Company

Costa Rican legislation stipulates requirements for organizations regarding the registration of their legal address in the country. Normally, that is done through renting. It’s not necessary to acquire real estate here. A rental contract shall serve as a confirming document.

Bank Account

A bank account may be opened in a foreign bank.

Duration of Registration

You can use the nominal services when starting a business in Costa Rica. In such a case, the company registration will take up to 30 working days. The counting is conducted from the time when the local registrar is provided with a package of necessary documents. A business registration procedure in Costa Rica costs €2,850. The linking with a European company is also necessary to open a merchant in the EU, for example in Scotland where you have to pay US$1,350 to register a company. The registration cost includes a company’s basic set of documents and legal address for a year.

Basic Set of Documents

  • an original Registration Certificate;
  • an original Founder’s resolution on the appointment of the first Director;
  • originals of constituent instruments;
  • company seal.

Additional Services

One Nominee Director (for one calendar year) – €800.

Three directors under Costa Rican legislation (a President, a Treasurer, and a Secretary) with the issuance of an apostilled power of attorney – €2,400. Further annual assistance (from the second year) – €2,500.

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