Company registration in Liechtenstein

Name of service Bronze Silver Gold Platinum
Company name verification and reservation Verifying the availability and reserving of your preferred company name in the registry
Company registration in form of Ansalt, including state fees Preparation and submission of all required documents and fees to the relevant government authorities for company registration, ensuring a streamlined process for our clients
Minutes of the meeting of directors of the company Document preparation necessary for the legal registration of directors within the company structure
Registration of the company with the local tax authorities Gathering, processing and filing the necessary paperwork for company registration with the local tax authorities in Liechtenstein
Appointment of an auditing authority Appointment of an audit body to conduct the business of the company if non-managing members of the company are not vested with any supervisory authority
Appointment of a legal representative for the company Appointment of a legal representative (registered agent) as the official address for service and contact person for the authorities
Registration of the authorized capital of the company Support in registering the authorized capital of the company for its successful introduction at the local bank
Company seal Production of the company seal
Assistance in obtaining a local PEID tax number Collection, execution and submission of the necessary package of documents to obtain a TIN number in the tax office of Liechtenstein
Assistance in opening an account in: Bank Alpinum, Bank Frick, Bendura Collecting, processing and filing the necessary documents for opening a corporate account with a local bank
Assistance in opening a personal bank account Collection, processing and filing of the documents required to open a personal account, including consultation of appropriate jurisdiction
Assistance with a VAT number obtainment Assistance in obtaining a VAT number for your company
Free consultation We offer a free consultation where you can discuss your needs and questions regarding company registration and management. Our experts will be happy to help you understand the process and provide guidance based on your situation. We are happy to answer your questions and help you make an informed decision about the services you need
Total cost
9000 EUR 12000 EUR 13000 EUR 14500 EUR
Provision of a legal address for 1 (one) year
2400 EUR 2400 EUR 2400 EUR 2400 EUR
Remote company registration with transfer of authority
500 EUR 500 EUR 500 EUR 500 EUR
Accounting services
270 EUR 270 EUR 270 EUR 270 EUR

Deal of the month

If you will register a company until 31 January,
opening a bank account is for FREE

6 easy steps to get started
  • 1

    Select your
    preferred jurisdiction

  • 2

    Choose a bank
    that meets your
    company's needs

  • 3

    Pay for our services
    using a convenient
    payment method

  • 4

    Receive all necessary
    corporate documents

  • 5

    Receive details
    for your newly opened
    bank account

  • 6

    We'll deliver the original
    documents directly
    to you

Liechtenstein is a microstate or Principality in Western Europe, bordering Austria and Switzerland. It is a member of the European Economic Area and the WTO and at the same time not a member of the European Union. So, it has its own official currency, which is the Swiss franc (CHF). Despite its small territories and small population, the country has a thriving economy. The standard of living of its people is one of the highest in the world.

  • The GDP growth rate of this state always hovers around 4%.
  • The inflation rate for June 2020 is -1.3%.
  • According to the latest data in 2018, the unemployment rate was 1.7%.
  • Both women and men - citizens of Liechtenstein - retire at the age of 64.
  • Export prevails over imports almost 2 times.
  • The country's credit rating, compiled by S&P in 2016, has the best possible indicator - AAA.

Because of Liechtenstein is a microstate, access to natural resources is limited, and supplies are from Switzerland. Therefore, the main industrial activity in the country is processing. Due to the good climate and its unusual territorial and political status - tourism, services and agriculture flourish. The latter is mainly focused on meeting the needs of local residents.

In Liechtenstein, as in any other microstate - legislation is not very developed. Since Switzerland is the closest big neighbor, Liechtenstein is heavily dependent on it and its laws.

In Liechtenstein, the process of starting and running the business is quite free and simple:
  1. There is no state organization involved in the control and regulation of foreign and national investments;
  2. No restrictions on company mergers;
  3. Firms are not required to have their own office on the territory of the Principality;
At the same time, there are a number of limitations that should be kept in mind:
  1. According to the Commercial Act of 1969, only a person, who has been living there for > 10 years can establish a company;
  2. The government decides, which companies are useless for the country and can carry out its liquidation;
  3. The company must have local representatives in Liechtenstein;

The basics of the country's tax system are set out in the Law on National and Municipal Taxes and the Tax Code of the country;

Types of companies

The following types of companies are common in Liechtenstein:

  • joint-stock company - AG;
  • institution - Anstalt;
  • closed limited liability company - GmbH;
  • closed stock company - Stiftung;
  • trust company - Trust Enterprise;
  • branch of a foreign company.
AG Anstalt GmbH Stiftung Trust Enterprise
Number of shareholders >=2 0 >=1 0
Min share capital 50.000 CHF 50.000 CHF 30.000 CHF 30.000 CHF 30.000 CHF
Management Board of directors (in case of one of them is permanent living in the country) Board of directors Directors Board of directors Trustees

The advantage of opening a company in Liechtenstein is low taxes and an offshore zone.


  1. Corporate - 12.5% ​​(minimum amount - from 1,200 CHF);
  2. For businesses with a balance of < CHF 500,000 for 3 years;
  3. Income for individuals - 22.4%;
  4. From sales - 7.7%;
  5. VAT
    • The general rate is 8%;
    • Foodstuffs, printed matter, medical products - 2.5%;
    • Hotel business - 3.8%;
  6. On capital - 0.2%;
  7. Coupon - 4%;
  8. Turnover
    • Sales from wholesalers to retailers - 9.3%;
    • Sales from wholesalers to consumers - 6.2%;
    • Sale of essential goods - 0%;
  9. Stamp duty - 1%;
  10. Insurance premiums - 5%;
    • With a one-time payment - 2.5%;
  11. For the circulation of securities - 0.15-0.3%;
Tax incentives:
  • Companies like Anstalt do not pay taxes on profits, but pay a fixed annual fee of 1000 CHF - 0.1% of the capital.
  • There is an agreement on the avoidance of double taxation with Austria, England, Germany, Switzerland, Hong Kong and 12 more countries;

No licenses are required to do business in Liechtenstein, except companies, operating in the financial sector.


The set of documents, required for registering different types of companies, is approximately the same and consists of:

  • Extract from the commercial register and tax office;
  • Charter of the company;
  • Memorandum of Association;
  • Founders’ passports.

It should be remembered

  • The name of the company must be unique;
  • Using in the name such words as «bank» and «insurance company» requires special permission;

You can learn more about the registration process for opening a company, calling our professional specialists.

If you are reading this now, the article was interesting and useful to you. So why hesitate? Our company has at its a whole staff of experienced employees, whose help can be very useful for you.

Best Offers

  • 2350 EUR

    • Сompany registration
    • Legal address for 1 year

  • 1900 EUR

    • Сompany registration
    • Legal address for 1 year

  • 1900 EUR

    • Сompany registration
    • Legal address for 1 year

  • 5800 EUR

    • Сompany registration
    • Legal address for 1 year

  • 2300 EUR

    • Сompany registration
    • Legal address for 1 year

  • 4700 EUR

    • Сompany registration
    • Legal address for 1 year


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